
Featured News

PLEASANTON — In Texas mountain lions are classified as a non-game species. That means there is no defined hunting season.  However, in June, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission unanimously passed a proposal to prohibit canned hunting of mountain lions. The regulations, designed to support ethical hunting and trapping practices while providing flexibility for landowners to manage mountain… [more]
Read about the Thorny Path to Restoration, Tracking Northern Pintails through Adverse Weather, Supplemental Feed Programs for White-tailed Deer, and more in the this issue of Caesar Kleberg Tracks magazine.  
Why Are Nilgai so Wary? What is the goal of the South Texas Lion Project? Who are the new CKWRI board members? Check out the latest issue of Wildlife Research newsletter to find out!
The restoration of black bears in Arkansas is a wonderful conservation success story, and Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) remains dedicated to monitoring the health of the population.  It is estimated that the Arkansas bear population is over 5,000 AGFC monitors their population growth or decline closely. Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute’s Dr. Clay Hilton has been involved with… [more]