Tio and Janell Kleberg Wildlife Research Park
In 2006, the gates were opened to celebrate the completion of the Stephen J. “Tio” and Janell Kleberg Research Park. The thirty-five acre complex is located at the northwest corner of the Texas A&M University-Kingsville campus. It was made possible by numerous private donations given by generous friends and supporters of CKWRI. The land was deeded to the University from King Ranch February 19, 1951, and now the property is recognized as a state-of-the-art Wildlife Research Park with multiple facilities including the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Center and A. E. Leonard Family Native Plant Garden, the Buddy Temple Wildlife Pathology and Diagnostic Laboratory, the Duane M. Leach Research Aviary and flight cages, the Albert and Margaret Alkek Ungulate Research Facility, and the South Texas Natives Research Farm. Institute scientists and graduate students now have the opportunity to conduct wildlife research using modernized facilities and equipment while maintaining a safe and healthy environment for animals, researchers, and visitors.
Please click here for a map to the Wildlife Park located at 1730 West Corral Avenue in Kingsville, Texas.