Killam Lectureship
In 2003, David Killam of Laredo, Texas established the David W. Killam Lectureship in White-tailed Deer Research and Management to bring scientists from around the world to South Texas to share ideas and knowledge on white-tailed deer management and ecology. Since its inception, 7 of the nation's top deer scientists have participated in the lectureship. Because of the generosity of the Killam family, this lectureship series will extend into perpetuity, bringing the best and brightest to South Texas with the goal of sharing the latest in deer research and management.
Killam Lectureship Recipients
Dr. Ryan Long
Associate Professor of Wildlife Sciences at the University of Idaho
The Cost of a Calorie: Modeling Energy Landscapes to Shed Light on the Causes and Consequences of Animal Movements
View Dr. Long's Presentation
Dr. William Porter
Boone and Crockett Club Professor of Wildlife Conservation, Michigan State University
Presentation 1- CWD: A Deer Disease Suitable for Science Fiction
Presentation 2- Is There a Future for Wildlife Conservation?
Dr. Joshua Millspaugh
Boone & Crockett Professor of Wildlife Conservation, University of Montana
Presentation 1- Secret Lives of Wildlife: Insights from Remote Cameras, Radio Tags, and Other Technologies
Presentation 2- Application of Non-Invasive Stress Measures in Deer and Other Large Mammals
Dr. Lisa Shipley
Washington State University
Using Nutritional Ecology to Get a Deer's-Eye-View of Land Management
Dr. Kurt C. VerCauteren
Research Wildlife Biologist/Project Manager, USDA/APHIS/WS/National Wildlife Research Center
Chronic Wasting Disease: Research, Reflections and Directions
Dr. Dale R. McCullough
Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley
Deer and Plants on the George Reserve, Michigan
Brian Murphy
Quality Deer Management Association CEO
The Captive White-tailed Deer Industry - Current Status and Growing Threat
Dr. Steeve Cote'
Universite' Laval - Quebec, Canada
Feedback Effects of Overabundant White-tailed Deer Populations on Their Life-history Traits
Dr. Fred Provenza
Utah State University
The Wisdom Body: Nutrition, Health and Nature's Pharmacopeia
Jim Heffelfinger
Regional Game Biologist, Arizona Game and Fish Department
Evolution and geographic variation of white-tailed deer
Dr. Steve Demarais
Professor, Mississippi State University
Genetics in management of white-tailed deer
Dr. Terry Bowyer
Professor, Idaho State University
Sexual segregation in white-tailed deer and its implications for management
Dr. Karl Miller
Professor, University of Georgia
White-tailed deer behavior and sensory ability