Most Recent News Stories

Why Are Nilgai so Wary? What is the goal of the South Texas Lion Project? Who are the new CKWRI board members? Check out the latest issue of Wildlife Research newsletter to find out!
The restoration of black bears in Arkansas is a wonderful conservation success story, and Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) remains dedicated to monitoring the health of the population.  It is estimated that the Arkansas bear population is over 5,000 AGFC monitors their population growth or decline closely. Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute’s Dr. Clay Hilton has been involved with a multi-year project focused on evaluating the efficacy of NalMed-A as a method to safely immobilize denned bears. 
Texas Native Seeds has been working with the Harris County Flood Control District to create a native seed mix that could reduce storm damage. Learn more about the collaborative project by clicking links below.
The Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute has the opportunity to award annual scholarships to Institute graduate students and Range and Wildlife Management undergraduate students who have demonstrated outstanding academic and professional excellence in their progress towards attaining either an advanced degree (M.S. or Ph.D.) in range and wildlife management or a bachelor’s degree in range and wildlife management. *Applicants will be considered for all scholarships. No need to apply for a specific scholarship.