Current Openings


PH. D. Assistantship(s)

Position DescriptionThe Waterfowl and Wetland Bird Lab ( of the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute at Texas A&M University-Kingsville invites applications from highly motivated individuals to pursue a PhD degree within our collaborative lab.

The student will work directly with state waterfowl biologists…

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Position Description:  We are recruiting one Ph.D. student to conduct research in South Texas to evaluate the effects of guineagrass, an invasive bunchgrass on Northern Bobwhite ecology during the breeding season via a mechanistic approach. Specifically, we aim to assess the effects of guineagrass on the breeding success (e.g., clutch size, hatching success, brood survival) of bobwhite, and on the potential mechanisms underscoring such changes including (1) food availability, (2) predation risk, and…

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PH. D. Assistantship(s), M.S. Assistantships(s)

Position Description: We are recruiting one M.S. student and one Ph.D. student to conduct research which aims to investigate movement, resource selection, and breeding ecology of White-winged Doves (Zenaida asiatica) across urban-rural gradients in Texas. Here, White-winged Doves currently breed in ~200 counties versus <10 in 1980 and only 16% of the white-winged dove breeding population in Texas occurs in the traditional breeding sites in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Outside of the historic range, white-winged…

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Position: Tenure-track facultyposition (rank dependingon experience and qualifications), with the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute (CKWRI) in the Department of Rangeland and Wildlife Sciences (RWSC) and College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK). We seek an accomplished scholar to develop and lead an impactful and dynamic wildlife habitat restoration research program including collaborating with and supporting research needs of Texas Native Seeds, a statewide…

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