Plant Releases

A plant release is a specific subset of plant material of a species that has been evaluated and tested.

STN & cooperators make releases of selected plant materials following extensive evaluation and testing of accessions. There are several types of release that can be made, however, most of STN’s releases are Selected Germplasms. This type of release helps preserve the genetic integrity of the parent accession, and allows multiple accession releases.

Documentation of each plant release is evaluated by the USDA-NRCS, CKWRI, and the TAR Plant Review Committee. Following release, seed is distributed to commercial growers for production of seed to be made available to consumers.

Most STN releases are named using a place name that is unique to the set of plant material and south Texas. An example of this is “La Salle Germplasm Arizona cottontop”. La Salle was chosen because 3 of the 12 accession in this release originated from native populations in La Salle County, Texas.

Releases help ensure that consumers and producers have plant material with known performance, origin, and expectations of quality. Seed of STN releases is typically sold as a Selected Texas Native Germplasm with a green seed tag.


Plant Release Name   

 Release Brochure   

 Release Document

Atascosa Germplasm Texas Grama



Balli Germplasm Prostrate Bundleflower



Catarina Bristlegrass Blend



Chaparral Germplasm Hairy Grama



Dilley Germplasm Slender Grama



Divot Tallow Weed Blend



Falfurrias Germplasm Big Sacaton



Goliad Germplasm Orange Zexmenia



Guadalupe Germplasm White tridens .pdf .pdf

Hidalgo Germplasm Multiflowered False Rhodesgrass



Hoverson Germplasm Deer pea vetch



Kinney Germplasm False Rhodesgrass



La Salle Germplasm Arizona Cottontop



Mariah Germplasm Hooded Windmillgrass



Maverick Germplasm Pink Pappusgrass



Oso Germplasm Halls Panicum



Ramadero Germplasm Spike Lovegrass



Rio Grande Germplasm Paririe Acacia



South Texas Germplasm Sideoats Grama



STN-176 Germplasm Little Bluestem



STN-461 Germplasm Little Bluestem



STN-496 Germplasm Redseed Plantain



STN-561 Germplasm Hookers Plantain



Venado Germplasm Awnless Bushsunflower



Webb Germplasm Whiplash Pappusgrass



Welder Germplasm Shortspike Windmillgrass



Zapata Germplasm Rio Grande Clammyweed

