Deer Associates & Deer Research Meetings

The Deer Associates Program under the Patton Center for Deer Research provides private landowners, wildlife managers, agencies, biologists, commercial hunting operations, and deer enthusiasts with the latest findings from deer-related research being conducted at the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute. The Deer Associates Program hosts an annual Deer Research Meeting to provide an opportunity for deer enthusiasts to come together to discuss the latest research findings. The meeting is typically held the first Friday in March. Upcoming meetings will be listed here.
2025 Presentations - March 7, 2025
The Patton Center for Deer Research Annual Update
Dr. Michael Cherry, CKWRI
Cattle Grazing and White-Tailed Deer Population Dynamics in South Texas
Kevin Lovasik, M.S. Candidate, CKWRI
Influence of Thermal Conditions on White-Tailed Deer Behavior and Physiology
Dr. Joseph Hediger, M.S. Candidate, CKWRI
Spatial Ecology of White-Tailed Deer on South Texas Rangelands
Dr. Whitney Hansen, Research Assistant Professor, CKWRI
Effects of Forest Management on White-Tailed Deer Abundance and Behavior
Parker Trifiletti, M.S. Candidate, CKWRI
The Faith Ranch East-West Yana Project: Insights from 16 Years of DMP
Dr. Randy DeYoung, Research Scientist and Professor, CKWRI