Oral Presentations
- Developing Locally Adapted Native Seed Source for Commerical Restoration - Sam Lutfy
- Presentation at the Texas Ag Land Trust Meeting Uvalde - November 13, 2015, by Forrest Smith
- What to Plant and When to Plant-Restoring Damaged Habitat - August 21, 2014, by Forrest Smith
- Texas Master Gardeners Presentation - October 2013, by Keith Pawelek
- Southern Pasture and Forage Conference Presentation - April 22, 2013, by Forrest Smith
- Overview of South Texas Natives and Texas Native Seeds presented at National Native Seed Conference - April 9, 2013, by: Forrest Smith
- Weed Journal Presentation - November 2012, by: Adam B. Mitchell, Andrea R. Litt, Anthony D. Falk, Forrest S. Smith
- Wildlife Habitat Restoration in the Eagle Ford Shale Play - Presentation at the Energy Symposium-May 16, 2012, by Forrest Smith
- Wildlife Habitat Restoration in the Eagle Ford Shale Play Presentation to CKWRI Partners-April 11, 2012, by Forrest S. Smith
- Native Plants:Why They are Important & the Impact fo the Eagle Ford Shale Presentation at San Antonio Livestock Show & Rodeo-Feb. 11, 2012, by Forrest Smith
- Development of Milkweed Seed Sources for South and West Texas - J Randy Bow
- Development of South Texas Germplasm Sideoats Grama and Comparison to Previous Releases - Keith Pawelek
- Ecotypic Seed for Restoration Efforts in the Coastal Prairies Region of Texas - Doug Jobes
- Effects of Simulated Mob-Grazing on Native and Non-Native Grass Species - Aaron Martinez
- Evaluation of 4 Different Bermudagrass Removal Techniques - Guillermo Mata, Jr.
- Factors Influencing Native Seed Cost - Keith Pawelek
- Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Using Native Seed Sources - Keith Pawelek
- Herbicide Efficacy on the Control of Silverleaf Nightshade - Ty Runge
- Is It Necessary to Plant Twice - Tyler Wayland
- Native Seed Development for the Piney Woods and Oak and Prairies Region of Texas - Tyler Wayland
- Old World Bluestem Herbicide Control Trials in Restored Mixed Native Grass Stands - Guillermo Mata, Jr.
- South Texas Natives Project - Keith Pawelek
- South Texas Natives & Texas Native Seed Programs - Keith Pawelek
- The Trans Pecos Native Plant Material Initiative - Colin Shackelford
- Texas Native Seeds Coastal Prairies Native Seed Project - Keith Pawelek
- Why Restore Native Plants and How - Keith Pawelek
TIPPC Invasive Grass Research and Management Session Presentations
- CKWRI's Invasive Grass Research Approach, by Timothy E. Fulbright, Forrest S. Smith, Leonard A. Brennan, Alfonso Ortega-Santos, Andrea R. Litt, and Fred C. Bryant
- Fire and Cattle Grazing to Manage Exotic Grass Stands, by Eric Grahmann
- Invasive Grasses in South Texas: An Ecologist's Perspective, by Andrea R. Litt and Fred C. Bryant
- Native Plant Restoration as an Invasive Grass Management Tool, by Tony Falk
- Tanglehead Research and Management, by Aaron Tjelmelan