19th South Texas Wildlife Conference Presentations

Please click the presentation title below to view a pdf copy of the PowerPoint given at the recent South Texas Wildlife Conference. 

Presentations marked with an asterisk (*) are not available.

Javelina Ecology and Management: A New Era of Research* (Javelina Fact Sheet)
Stephen Webb, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Texas A&M NRI

Genetics and Movement Dynamics of Mottled Ducks in South Texas*
James Morel, Coastal Migratory Game Bird Specialist, Wildlife Division, TPWD

Mountain Lion Ecology in the South Texas Borderlands
Lisanne Petracca, Ph.D., Research Scientist and Assistant Professor, CKWRI 

Black Bears in the Borderlands - Research Updates along the US-Mexico Border
Caitlin Camp Pappas, Ph.D. Student in Black Bear Ecology, Borderlands Research Institute

Research Innovations in Quail Ecology and Management
Evan Tanner, Ph.D., Meadows Professor in Semiarid Land Ecology, CKWRI

Why Do Quail Appear to Disappear Every Fall?
Fidel Hernandez, Ph.D., Alfred C. Glassell, Jr. Endowed Chair for Quail Research, CKWRI

Endangered Species & Private Lands Policy Example: East Foundation’s Safe Harbor Agreement for Ocelot Reintroduction
Lindsay Martinez, Research Program Coordinator, East Foundation

Prescribed Fire: Answers to Common Questions and Mythbusting
Sandra Rideout-Hanzak, Ph.D., Research Scientist and Professor, CKWRI

Brush Management in South Texas
Stacy L. Hines, Ph.D., Assistant Professor & Extension Rangeland Habitat Management Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Do Exotic Wildlife Have a Place in Texas?
Mark Mitchell, Natural Resource Specialist, Mason Mountain WMA, TPWD

Updates from East Foundation’s Bobwhite Harvest Research*
Abe Woodard Ph.D., Range and Wildlife Scientist, East Foundation

Recent Advances in White-tailed Deer Research and Management
Michael Cherry, Ph.D., Stuart W. Stedman Chair for White-tailed Deer Research, CKWRI


*Presentation is not available.