A Photographic Guide to the Vegetation of the South Texas Sandsheet
Bermudagrass Control and Restoration of Native Prairie for Northern Bobwhites
Central Texas Natives Seed Project Collection, Evaluation, Increase, and Release
Collection, Development, and Release of Native Seed Resources for Texas
East Texas Natives Project Collections and Evaluations
Ecotypic Seed Source Development in the Coastal Prairies Region
Establishment of a Native Plant Demonstration Garden in Downtown Midland
Estimation of Future Native Seed Deman for Trans-Pecos Restoration Projects
Grassland Restoration in Northeast Texas—The Riverby Ranch Project
Licensing the Commercial Seed Production of Native Seed Releases
Martindale Army Airfield Pollinator Planting Demonstration
Native Plant Material Development and Restoration for the Trans Pecos and Permian Basin
Native Seed Development for U.S. Forest Service Restoration in East Texas
Permian Basin and Panhandle Native Seed Project Collections and Evaluations
Pollinator Management: Grassland Restoration at Camp Bowie Training Center
Publication of an Eagle Ford Shale Restoration Management Bulletin
Quail Ranch Grassland Restoration Research Plantings
Railway Ranch Reseeding Research
Release of Brewster Germplasm Sideoats Grama for West Texas
Release of Hooded Windmillgrass and Sand Dropseed Ecotypes for Central Texas
Release of Starr Germplasm longspike silver bluestem for use South Texas
Restoration of Monarch Habitat on the Valley Crossing Pipeline
Restoration of Native Plant Communities in the South Texas Sand Sheet
Sandbrock Ranch Native Grassland Restoration Research Project
The Texas Native Seeds Program Pipeline Prairies Initiative
TxDOT Native Plant Integration Program for Texas
Update on the South Texas Natives Project
West Texas Native Seed Project Native Seed Source Development