Brandon Harris

Brandon is Senior Vice President with First Financial Bank, and he oversees the bank's real estate collateral underwriting function. Through this role, he monitors rural economic conditions throughout the State of Texas. He was awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University and a Master of Business Administration Degree from the University of Texas.
Brandon owns farmland in the South Plains region of the state, and his primary crops are cotton and peanuts. In recent years, he has focused his efforts on converting farms to organic crop production. Some of the farms have been in his family for more than 75 years. He is committed to conservation practices to ensure that the farms will be a cherished family asset for generations to come. His immediate concerns include the cautious management of scarce water resources and the control of invasive plant species.
Brandon is married to Desiree Harris, M.D., and they reside in the Fort Worth area. Desiree is a pediatrician with the Cook Children’s Health Care System. They have 3 adult children. Their oldest son is a graduate of Texas A&M University, and he is involved full time in the family farming operation. Their daughter is attending medical school at Campbell University in North Carolina, and their youngest son is a senior at Texas A&M University.