Michael J. Cherry, Ph.D.

Mike received his Bachelor’s in Forest Resources and Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology and Management from the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural resources at the University of Georgia. His dissertation research focused on the effects of prescribed fire on coyotes, white-tailed deer, and their interactions at the Jones Center at Ichauway. Before coming to the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute in 2020, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Tech University. Dr. Cherry’s research team conducts applied research in wildlife ecology and management investigating topics including habitat–species interactions, predator–prey ecology, and ungulate ecology and management with a focus on the influence of disturbance, land use, and habitat management on individual traits, population processes, and community interactions.
Research Interests:
Habitat-species interactions
Predator-prey ecology
Ungulate ecology and management
Courses taught:
Mammalogy (undergraduate-VT)
Habitat management in Appalachian Mountains and Piedmont (graduate-VT)
Spatial analysis of wildlife habitat (graduate-VT)