Rio Farms , Inc.

Rio Farms , Inc.
Serving Since

Rio Farms Inc. is located in Hidalgo County, near Monte Alto, Texas. They provide an evaluation location representative of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Our main evaluation location has a Wilacy fine sandy loam soil type. Plants collected from the sand sheet of south Texas, as well as those found on sandy soil types are evaluated here. This site is representative of common sandy loam soil types throughout south Texas. Many other plant species typically found in the northern portion of the region are also planted here to determine the southern extent of adaptability. The subtropical climate and long growing season make Rio Farms an excellent evaluation location. This location has the highest mean annual precipitation of our evaluation sites. Rio Farms is also the location of many of STN's seed increase fields, with more than 15 acres currently devoted to Foundation and Breeder Seed production. Cooperators we work closely with are Juan Garza-farm manager, Andy Scott-director of research, and Dale Murden-CEO. Rio Farms personnel bring years of crop development and management experience to the project, as well as provide much needed equipment for our research there.