Scott E. Henke, Ph.D.

Scott Henke was born in Mishawaka, Indiana, and had a strong interest in natural resources and wild animals. He worked in medical research after he received his BS degree, but his strong interest in wildlife called him back. Upon graduation with his Ph.D. in 1992, Scott joined the faculty of CKWRI and the Rangeland and Wildlife Sciences Department of Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Scott has authored or co-authored >120 scientific articles, >300 abstracts, and >25 popular articles. He wrote chapters within and edited 3 books (i.e., Becoming a Wildlife Professional, American Alligators: Habitats, Behaviors, and Threats, and Aflatoxin and Wildlife: Exposure, Problems, Detection, and Control Methods). Scott and Fred Bryant, Ph.D., past Director of CKWRI, received the prestigious award from The Wildlife Society for the most outstanding publication of 2001 entitled “Effects of coyote removal on the faunal community in western Texas,” which appeared in the Journal of Wildlife Management 63:1066-1081. Scott has received research awards from The Wildlife Society and from the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society. He received teaching awards from TAMUK and the Javelina Alumni Association. Scott also received the Koch Industries Outstanding Educator of the Year award in 2001, was named the Student Chapter Advisor of the Year in 2016 by The Wildlife Society, was named Regent's Professor in 2008, and received the Chancellor's Excellence in Teaching award in 2009. Scott is the past President of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society and the Past-President of the International Horned Lizard Conservation Society, and Secretary/Treasurer of the Wildlife Damage Management Working Group of The Wildlife Society.
Research Interest
His research interests include wildlife disease, predator-prey ecology, and human-wildlife interactions. Scott's research has involved rabies virus, distemper, exploitative and interference competition between mesopredators, effects of predator removal, and ecological ramifications of invasive species. Subjects of his research have included horned lizards, alligators, brown tree snakes, coyotes, raccoons, gray foxes, jackrabbits, macaques, bobwhite quail, white-winged doves, and white-tailed deer. His current research involves parasitic roundworms as a potential zoonosis, aflatoxin effects on songbirds, brown tree snake invasive capabilities, nuisance alligators, and causes of the decline of Texas horned lizards.
Teaching Appointment
Wildlife Policy and Law – Undergraduate level
Wildlife Capstone – Undergraduate level
Wildlife Internship and Research - Undergraduate level
Wildlife Public Relations - Graduate level