March 2018 Presentations
2018 Presentations - March 2, 2018
While Males Fight, Females Choose: Male Phenotypic Quality Informs Female Mate Choice - Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
Steve Demarais - MSU Deer Lab unit of Mississippi State University
Preliminary Evaluation of Drones in Deer Surveys
Randy DeYoung and Humberto Perotto - CKWRI
Social Dominance Increases Pelleted Feed Consumption by White-tailed Deer in South Texas
Emily Belser - CKWRI
Supplemental Feed Effects at the Ranch Scale
Aaron Foley - CKWRI
Deer Density and Supplemental Feed in Deer Management: Conclusions from Comanche-Faith Study
Charles DeYoung, Tim Fulbright, and David Hewitt - CKWRI
Deer Density and Supplemental Feed in Deer Management: Conclusions from the Comanche-Faith Study - Vegetation Responses
Tim Fulbright, Charles DeYoung, and David Hewitt - CKWRI
Deer Density and Supplemental Feed in Deer Management: Conclusions from the Comanche-Faith Study - Population Dynamics
Charles DeYoung, Tim Fulbright, and David Hewitt - CKWRI
Lessons (So Far) from the East-West Yana Project
Stuart W. Stedman and Matt Moore - Faith Ranch