Seed Increase
Advanced Evaluation
Transplants of selected accessions are grown for initial seed increase and advanced evaluation. Initial data on seed yields, seed fill, pest and disease problems, and growing requirements are collected. Commercial production concerns such as geographic area of seed production, seed cleaning methodology,seed storage, seed treatments, and herbicide tolerance are determined. Interested seed producers are sought for production of the proposed release.
Seed Increases
Large-scale seed increases are established to provide seed for commercial growers and experimental use. During this time, final yield data is determined and control protocol for disease and pest problems is refined. Seed quality in production settings is also assessed.
Release Information
Release documentation and associated materials are developed in this stage of the process. Seed is released in cooperation with Texas Foundation Seed Service to commercial growers for production. Release documents are reviewed by National Plant Materials Center,TAR Plant Review Committee, CKWRI, and cooperators. Release brochures, grower information sheets, USDA-NRCS supportive documentation are completed, and a plant registration article is drafted and submitted for publication. At this stage, seed is distributed to commercial growers. STN personnel then work closely with growers to insure successful commercial production.
Field Plantings and Evaluation
In this stage, establishment characteristics are studied, area of adaptation is further determined, demonstration and experimental plantings are established. Research on season of seeding, planting rates, and planting techniques are studied for each specific release. Whenever possible, consumer plantings are evaluated for successful establishment and refinement of recommended establishment procedures.