Current and Past Projects
- Ocelot spatial ecology and social organization in Texas.
- Use of brownian bridge movement and synoptic models with ocelot resource use.
- Influence of microhabitat and lunar illumination on ocelot activity.
- Selection of soil types by ocelots and relevance for habitat restoration.
- Ocelot home range patterns, activity, and habitat use in northeast Mexico.
- Thornshrub structure and composition of ocelot habitat.
- Microhabitat and macrohabitat selection by ocelot and bobcat.
- Survival rates and mortality patterns for ocelot in southern Texas.
- Reproductive ecology of ocelots in a semi-tropical environment.
- Food habits of ocelot and possible prey competition with bobcats.
- Use of remote sensing and satellite imagery to quantify ocelot habitat.
- Population viability analysis to assess population persistence of ocelots in Texas.
- Modeling of metapopulation dynamics for ocelot and the effects of recovery strategies.
- Assessment of ocelot density and habitat area requirements within ocelot home ranges.
- Translocation evaluation of ocelots within the Tamaulipan Biotic Province.
- Translocation of ocelots on Laguna Atascosa Refuge.
- Estimates of population size, density, and survival of ocelots using remote cameras.
- Use of infrared digital videography to assess ocelot habitat.
- Use of SPOT and LANDSAT satellite imagery to quantify ocelot thornshrub.
- Assessment of genetic relatedness and social organization of ocelots.
- Genetic erosion of ocelots during the past century with emphasis on the past two decades.
- Estimate of effective population size of ocelots using genetics.
- Assessment of lethal alleles and fitness correlates in an isolated ocelot population.
- Prevalence of helminth parasites in ocelots.
- Record of mange in ocelots.
- Evaluation of thornshrub reestablishment techniques for ocelot habitat restoration.
- Identification of optimal sites for reestablishment of ocelot habitat.
- Bobcat foraging ecology over six years at the Welder Wildlife Refuge in southern Texas.
- Spatial patterns and habitat use of an unexploited bobcat population on Aransas Refuge.
- Impacts of international bridges and related transportation upon bobcats along the Rio Grande.
- Reduced home range use within agroecosystems of the Rio Grande Valley.
- Bobcat home range and movements near Highway 281 and use of “cat tunnels”.
- Population genetic structure and variability in southern Texas.
- Use of remote cameras to determine individual bobcats population size and density.
- Assessment of bobcat harvest during a 10-year period in the western United States.
- Assessment of bobcat harvest during an 8-year period in Texas.
- Mountain lion home range, movements, and social organization in southern Texas.
- Population trends of mountain lion in the Guadalupe Mountains of western Texas.
- Survey of public opinions, perceptions and attitudes toward mountain lion in Texas.
- Genetic and population structure of mountain lions in Texas.
- Comparison of historic and contemporary genetic variability of mountain lions.
- Estimate the effective population size of mountain lions in western and southern Texas.
- Population viability analysis of the mountain lion populations of Texas.
- Computer model of effective habitat areas for mountain lions use in south Texas.
- Home range, habitat use, and activity patterns of jaguarundi in Mexico.
- Coexistence of jaguarundi with ocelot on two ranches in northern Mexico.
- Genetic variability and population structure of jaguarundi in Mexico.
- Sedation techniques and protocols of free-ranging jaguarundi.
- Spatial patterns and activity of the northernmost margay population in Mexico.
- Distribution and a new record for margay in northeast Mexico.
- Leopard movements, overlap and activity during the dry season in Tanzania.
- Leopard ecology and co-occurrence with leopard cat in southeast Asia.
- Cats of southeast Asia - Clouded Leopard, Golden Cat, Marbled Cat and Leopard Cat.
- Leopard cat ecology and survival rates in Thailand.
- Comparative ecology of clouded leopard, Asiatic golden cat, and marbled cat in Thailand.
- Development of sedation protocols for four species of Thailand cats.
- Home range overlap of Thai cats with binturong, yellow-throated marten, and dhole.
- Genetic variability and potential inbreeding of 3 rare felids in Thailand.
- Activity patterns of four species of civet cats on the island of Taiwan.
- Civet cat habitat use in an agroecosustems of Taiwan.