Richard M. Kleberg Jr Center for Quail Research

The Richard M. Kleberg, Jr. Center for Quail Research Website

The mission of the Richard M. Kleberg, Jr. Center for Quail Research is to develop a scientific basis for the sustainable management and harvest of wild quail populations throughout south Texas and elsewhere.

Our Committment

We are dedicated to conducting original research on wild quail populations in south Texas, and elsewhere. This dedication is rooted in the ecological and cultural importance of quail in this part of Texas. It is also motivated from the broader context of bobwhite populations, which have declined significantly over most of their geographic range during the past four decades or more.

Quail—primarily northern bobwhite—research is a huge priority at the Institute. We maintain a strong commitment to quail research because: (1) south Texas contains the largest remaining expanses of quail habitat in North America, (2) quail hunting is an important economic force in south Texas, especially when combined with white-tailed deer and other hunting activities, and (3) habitat management that sustains wild quail populations is likely to have widespread, positive effects on scores of other desirable wildlife populations, including grassland birds, other small game species, as well as threatened and endangered species.

Featured News

CKWRI’s Fidel Hernandez, Ph.D. recently published an article in the Wildlife Society Bulletin titled “The Colors of Quail Science”.  It explores the topics of psychology, chaos and dialectical philosophy and ties them back to the science of quail.  A truly unique and creative article that will not only engage you, but also likely to make you think about quail research (and many… [more]
Presentations are now available online. Please click here to view the pdfs of the presentations given at the meeting.
"In winter, snowfall should be as a trace or not cover the ground for more than a three-day interval." Walter Rosene (1969:139), The Bobwhite Quail: Its Life and Management The recent snow in South Texas has caused several folks to ask how South Texas bobwhites fared during the unusual weather occurrence (Figure 1). Did many die? Did they freeze? Did it matter to them at all? Figure… [more]